“Cinderella and Four Knights”
After the horse riding episode, Eun Ha-won (Park So-dam) realizes that she lost her locket which belongs to her mother. As it is an important piece to her, she runs back to look for the locket. Kang Ji-woon (Jung Il-woo) fusses why Ha-won always worries him and chases after her. Ji-won asked Ha-won if the locket is very important to her. She replied that it belongs to her mother. Having heard that, Ji-won ask Ha-won what’s in it for him if he were to find it. He added that if he were to find it first, Ha-won will have to grant him a wish.
While searching, Ji-woon found the locket and kept it in his hand to surprise Ha-won. He asked again what his reward will be to which Ha-won replied she can help him to clean his room or do his laundry. Ji-woon brushes it off as too small of a reward and pretended to leave. Ha-won quickly replies that she will do whatever he wants her to. Pleased, Ji-woon drops the locket from his hand. Excited, Ha-won at impulse jump and hug Ji-woon and both fell on the ground. Looking at each other, they realize they were in each other’s arm before both immediately jump up awkwardly.
We can clearly see both of their chemistry when they are together. Ji-woon’s reaction towards Ha-won is more relax and casual comparing with when he is with Hye-ji. There is a certain gentle amuse look each time he looks at Ha-won. Ha-won is always her natural self of being cheerful and happy. Though there are moments her heart flutters, in her mind, Ji-woon’s heart is more for Hye-ji and not her.

Credit : Netflix
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